julia knachAug 221 min ValidationHow can we expect others to validate our feelings if we can't validate and accept our own
julia knachMar 121 minFeeling When we experience emotions at their rawest point, with no expectations or judgment, we are able to move forward with them and through...
julia knachNov 8, 20231 minNever Linear Healing is never easy, and never linear. We must embrace all of the up's and down's in order to fully embrace our new selves.
julia knachFeb 14, 20231 minHealing Healing isn't done in the sun. It's done in the dark shadows at night. It's done with the moon light providing some directions. Healing...
julia knachJan 5, 20231 min Mind Body Connection The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter, and the spirit heals with joy Proverb
julia knachJan 4, 20231 min Superhero's We are all our own superhero's and villains.. you get to choose who you're going to be each day... Julia Knach, Owner My Crossing...